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Szansa na informatyczny sukces
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Based on the analysis of the current situation in the Vocational School in Sejny there is five problem areas, tending to take steps to improve:1) qualifications and key competences student in relation to the labor market,2) prepare pupils for the functioning of the labor market, knowledge of the realities,3) foreign educational mobility,4) cooperation with companies, matching vocational training to national and regional economic development strategy,5) the students with fewer opportunities (environmental conditions).The participants will be 12 students from the profession IT technician. A group of trainees will be accompanied by one teacher.The project consist of 4 - week internships for 12 students from IT technician. Four weeks internships were concluded in consultation with teaching staff and parents of students. 4 weeks will be sufficient to acquaint themselves with the organization of work of companies and acquire practical skills. Shorter time did not allow that to achieve the objectives of the project - during the first week, students get acquainted with the companies, it is time to adapt. Three more weeks, it's time to entrust the intern demanding tasks, open up, to get the most of skills and qualifications.The main objective of the project is to raise the level of key labor market skills and qualifications to enhance employability of 12 students participating in internships at foreign employers in the IT industry till X 2017. The aim is to increase the partial internationalization of Technical School Complex in Sejny till X 2017.Students will carry out an internship in the second quarter 2017 - 28 days (including travel time). Trainees will perform assigned tasks in accordance with the approved their profession, a program of internships in companies matching the profile (ie. The Centro Studio Marketing, Vegan Solutions). It is worth mentioning that the internship program has been arranged in such a way that from the beginning, pupils receive fewer tasks to complete, while the number of allocated responsibilities increase with the passage of time. The students will already know the company, the basic structure, associates, allowing them to freely operate in the placement and employers will allocate more tasks. The language of the placement will be English. In every company is indicated contact person, using English. It will also tutor the trainee in the company. In addition, monitoring of internships will be made: teacher and tutor who each day will visit the trainees companies.In spare time, students will take part in cultural activities, visiting the city of Vicenza and the Veneto region. Building relationships will serve the team games and integration. Participants will also take part in movie night, where will see a film showing of Italy (provides Partner).Through the implementation of training at enterprises, participants will get first professional experience, broaden their knowledge and professional skills necessary for employees working their specialty - the acquisition of this knowledge will be proven by the Europass Mobility. Trainees, with the completion of the linguistic preparation and the use of English in the course of his training, acquire new language skills, mastered to the extent required to communicate in English with a special emphasis on language industry, they need to work. Participants will develop social skills and adaptive, facilitating interaction in the group, solving everyday problems, understanding and tolerance for others. By staying and working abroad, trainees will receive a lesson of tolerance and understanding for other cultures and learn about the need for understanding and openness to another culture.Thanks to the project the school will increase the attractiveness of training in vocational subjects. The project will contribute to improve the quality and increase the volume of foreign mobility of people in vocational training at school. The school will raise the prestige and the opinion of its educational establishment - both among current students and their parents and among the candidates for school. Thanks to the project will increase the attractiveness of the school for its prospective students, who can count on the participation in similar projects in the future internship.
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