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Szakmai gyakorlat Spanyolországban az esélyegyenlőség jegyében
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project will be implemented in cooperation with three technical schools as a consortium. In two of the schools, students living with intellectual disabilities are given special technical training, whereas the third partner is a traditional training institution. Within the framework of the Project students with intellectual disabilities and their healthy peers will complete a three-week professional practice session in Motril, Spain, at Aprosmo Association. The receiving institution has been dealing with the improvement of the living condition of mentally challenged people for over 30 years. For those people with mild intellectual disabilities who are capable of adapting to the world of work the association created jobs, where they produce quality products. Among others, they operate ornamental plant horticultures, horticulture shops and woodworking and joinery works. These works will be the location for the practice of eight students with learning disabilities, who study garden work, flower arrangement and joinery assembly at their respective schools. We also involved in the Project two healthy youth studying social care and nursing, who fit in well with the spirit of the Project. They undertake their practice in an institution dealing with people living with disabilities, among some people with severe intellectual disabilities who are provided a life of dignity through rehabilitation, care and organised leisure time activities. The basic and straightforward objectives of the Project are for the students to accumulate new professional knowledge and competence to be able to carry out their work at a higher professional level and thereby improving their chances on the labour force market. Also, to learn to adapt themselves to rules and the workplace community in a job environment . To see more of the world and to get to know a different culture and lifestyle, and for the healthy students to improve their language competence.However, those internal changes that may take place in the minds of the students through the Project are equally important. To develop their self-dependence, their courage and socializing skills, and to strengthen their self-confidence and positive attitude towards work through a sense of achievement gained during work. The professional practice will start in September 2016. In order to facilitate the reception of a multitude of new stimuli the participants will be given mental and cultural training, whereas the healthy students will receive language training as well. The practice will be delivered on the basis of a previously assembled work schedule under the supervision of a mentor per profession. The students will be accompanied by three attendants. The students living with disabilities will be accompanied by special education teachers from their school, whereas the third attendant will make sure that language barriers will be dealt with and will support the social care and nursing students and the undisturbed delivery of the practice. The tasks related to travelling, boarding and insurance will be dealt with by our organisation. The activities will be monitored and supervised on a daily basis due to the continuous presence of the accompanying persons, including that of our co-worker. Expected results and impacts:- This is going to be the 4. occasion that we have organised a practice course with the receiving organisation, and our cooperation keeps widening: we will incorporate two new trades and a new target group into the project, which is healthy training students. - This year, 10 students from 3 new training schools will join the Erasmus+ Program, who are all disadvantaged due to their disabilities or social situation. - The participating schools will get a look at a European model for training, employing and catering and caring for people with intellectual disabilities that is yet new to them. - The participating students will acquire new professional knowhow and skills. The efforts to meet the new challenges and the success gained in work will strengthen their self-confidence and improve their chances of finding employment. The certificate issued upon completing the practice abroad and the Europass certificate will be good references in the course of looking for a job.- The schools and the parents consider the good performance of the students a success. The prestige of the schools will improve in the eyes of the parents, which will make them more willing to cooperate. Participants living with disabilities will receive more trust and support from their families. - The successful completion of the practice will set an example for decision makers, employers and professional bodies proving that people with intellectual disabilities are capable of fitting into the world of work.- Our Project is characterized by acceptance, versatility and equal opportunities. It has an impact on the attitude of the general public and social groups that are used to discrimination.
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