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Szakmai gyakorlat Finnországban és Lengyelországban
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of our institute is the continuous development. We want our teachers to become a methodologically prepared workforce being able to answer the challenges of the 21st century. To achieve it we have been and we are ready to participate in competitions. As most of the colleagues got their degrees decades ago they got totally different methodological education and worked with different equipment. Being a European Union memberstate it is bigger and bigger challenge to prepare our students for becoming successful at the European workforce market. The continuous changes demand continuous innovation that is why it is extremely to participate in mobility programs developing methodological competence. Nine teachers of the centre of the school are taking part in mobility program in Finland from 22nd October 2015 to 31st October. The aim is to get to know agrarian ecology, precision farming and environmentally friendly economy in practice. The aim is to study the teaching machinery and metalwork. Tey would like to get to know the up to date metallurgical education, the methods of teaching (dual method, cooperative method) and to observe how they motivate students. The colleagues traveling to Finland are going to observe more territories. They will study the different aspects of keeping animals in the process, the engineering education, the structure of the adult education, how to organise it and they will study the process of metalworking. Fifteen students would travel on internship for three weeks from the headquarter institution too. Based on the program prepared by the teachers they will travel prepared for the process. The goal of our member institution to get to know Lesko Vocational School. Our vocational teachers and training instructors will visit different lessons and trainings. The organisation of education is different in the Polish institute as the school is the part of a forestry. The theoretical educaion is at school, the practice is held on the territories belonging to the forestry. The basic goal of the mobility program is to make our colleagues get to know the methods of organisation the practice for students, create connections with the partner school teachers and learn more and more good practice. The languages of the communication are English and German thus their language competence is going to develop as well not only their every day communication but also their vocabulary related to their professional skills. The teachers will prepare the students’ mobility program that is planned to be done in more turns. The teachers will have the possibility to consult about the program with their colleagues int he partner institutes and to concretize the phases of the internship. With the help of it they can prepare students for the internship. The students participating in the internship in Poland are going to travel in April-May 2016 and April 2017 while the students traveling to Finland are traveling in July 2016. Our students are going to be chosen from vocational students. We are to choose students from the second or the third year so that they have vocational skills thus they are able to connect their new knowledge to the existing one. They have had adquate OSH knowledge, they are able to use the most important objects, operate the machines thus the knowledge and practice got abroad can become more efficient. The tudents can learn the practical craftmanship in a production environment. Both the teachers and students can see samples for concrete production processes. In case of the students the development their foreign language skills and the motivation to learn languages are also important to be emphasized. They have the possibility to get to know different nations’ culture and traditions. The students can create partnership and transmit the different values. They will be ready to disseminate these values built in the practice. Beyond personal experience the methods can give an example for the methodological renewal. Disseminating of quality will be possible and everybody will be able to reach it. Thus the methodological innovation is ensured. We can become an example for our member institutes and the rest of the schools with the same profile. The cooperation with our partners can be the first step towards a well operating relationship.

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