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Systemic Risks and Macroprudential Regulation in Banking (MACROBANK)
Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The current financial crisis raises fundamental questions concerning macroeconomics, banking stability, and economic policy. As standard macroeconomic models provide insufficient guidance on how to respond to the crisis, policy makers in Europe and elsewhere have repeatedly intervened with a combination of largely untested monetary and fiscal policy measures that comprise liquidity provision, quantitative easing, nationalisation, as well as other subsidies.While the microeconomics of banking is well understood, standard macroeconomics has failed toallow adequately for a financial sector. Systemic risks in the banking sector cannot be analysed in a dynamic framework.MACROBANK closes this gap by developing a novel dynamic macroeconomic modelwith a micro-founded banking sector. It aims at developing a theoretical foundation and a tool box for policy makers to analyse and assess the effectiveness of possible crisis intervention strategies to improve the overall understanding of crisis intervention and their effects on the economy. Extending Gersbach and Wenzelburger (2011), MACROBANK’s novel model allows to investigate the effectiveness of new crises intervention measures dynamically and to simulate policy strategies. It focuses on debt reduction, inflation control, and on how central bank activities can be restored to pre-crisis levels. Welfare distributional aspects of interventions are also considered.The novelty and expected impact of the proposed research will increase the EU’s excellence, and the applicants teaching activities will train young researchers exposing them to cutting-edge research in economics. Thus, the proposed project leads to knowledge transfer within and into the ERA, integration of a researcher, and introduction of a promising new research approach in Europe,"

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