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Systematic approach to enhance the participation of construction industry SMEs in apprenticeship programs
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Construction industry has been hardly hit by the crisis, and faces the challenge of being capable of emerging stronger by responding to an increasingly demand of skilled workforce, due to both its clear technification and the replacement of retired craftsman. While apprenticeship has been recognized as an opportunity to tackle youth unemployment, it is not being as successful as expected in Italy and Spain, although the high level of youth unemployment rates and total unemployed youngsters with no secondary studies. Within this context, apprenticeship in construction industry is a solid chance for youth to build their future. However, VET counts on a wide social negative outlook, usually perceived as a second choice as well as with a low participation of SMEs in these kinds of programs.Consequently, the core project’s aim is to improve SMEs involvement in apprenticeship by developing actions to get two main objectives:*To build capacities of construction business representatives as an intermediary body and boost their leverage effect in apprenticeship culture, by founding their position and drawing role in a short, medium and long term. *To give support and motivation to SMEs and VET centres in assigning a qualified trainer through mechanisms that trigger the recognition of in-company tutors.As expected main results, they are, at first stage, the provision of proposals to overcome SMEs barriers in their involvement in apprenticeship, thanks to:*A systematic Strategic Roadmap. *An in-company tutor qualification Every action planed aims to increase SMEs engagement. They are politically represented at business level by CNC and ANCE and by FLC and FORMEDIL at VET one. Taking into account the rationale above, project outcomes will have a sound impact in improving the supply of VET, in raising the quality of apprenticeships in view of promoting excellence and in enhancing the attractiveness of apprenticeships in SMEs.
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