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Synthesis of systematic resources (SYNTHESYS3)
Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SYNTHESYS3 will create an accessible, integrated European resource for researchers in the natural sciences in Europe and globally. Building on the success of the previous SYNTHESYS IA, the NA will focus on improving collections management of new physical and virtual collections. By focusing the JRA on extracting and enhancing data from digitised collections, SYNTHESYS3 will increase the accessibility of these 390 million strong collections. A wide range of services and access – both physical and digital – will be provided to a broad range of scientific Users (from biological and geological related disciplines) in a consistent and accessible way.The natural history collections, held within the museums and herbaria, of Europe are World-class in terms of their magnitude and taxonomic coverage. They represent a resource unique in Europe as a model of the diversity of life on earth and are a physical dataset enabling Users to research how the human activity (including climate change) is having an increasingly negative impact on the diversity and distribution of biodiversity, which is threatening the continued provision of ecosystem services essential to human well-being.

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  • 83.7%   8 000 000,00
  • Project on CORDIS Platform

20 Partners Participants