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Synergie Effekte für Hauswirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Europe there is a change in the economy that hips increasingly the rural eastern Germany. The aging and declining population are a challenge. Young people looking for their perspectives in city’s. Then they are missing to work for the rural economy and solve the needs of the society there. The rural business got trouble finding suitable candidates for employment and training. They have to react to lock out for persons with wont to change their profession & prepare them and persons with limitations with useful education. It is necessary that the Education & Training actively works on concepts for the training to have trainees and workers qualified to be able by used flexibly in differed rural Business. They shod have craft skills and by able to provide Services. Companies should be supplied with suitable workers. The enterprises must be prepared to train the available workforce & Motivate them. Through the migration of the past 2 decades perfectly qualified people often can’t be found to replace workers with retire. This threatens the existence of many businesses. People from our region are send abroad and are qualified by the Partners to improve the employability. This helps to support needs of the region. The program searches et the Partners for solutions how to promoted the rural professions. For this appropriate training content and forms have to be developed. Similar problems exist in the regions in which our participants travel. That is why the mobility can by useful. It deals with the offered types of vocational education of the Partners and apply this knowledge to develop the training in Germany. It is important to investigate how to secure professionals for businesses and the professional field.In the area of Agriculture and forestry, there is the chance to learn in the field of renewabls. That is why in this project instructors and trainees from the green branch should deal with projects implemented in the partner countries that use renewable resources. Also land use techniques and the training opportunities offered by the partners are studied. The production and processing of food plays a role in this exchange. Trainees and trainers from the profession of home economics gat involved with the use and processing of local products, with household services and health care. Two different profession groups are involved in this application and they are differently used and trained by the partners. The training of the participants responded to concepts, how to customize the rural economy on Structural & climate change as well as demographic changes. We lock et the partners for new ideas and opportunities which we can transferred to Germany. Partners and their network partners can show interesting concepts. The demands wat business expects in Germany by their labor many trainees & workers meet barely. The project works on how to balance demands and the opportunities and skills of trainees. How can they made useful for the business to do the work which is to do? Et the partners the participants can learn about interesting craft skills. They are useful to provide service in the field of crafts & food processing. The partners have solutions which can be used in the rural regions of eastern Germany. The aim of the project is to test out, modules for training in the field of forestry, agricultural and home economics. It's about concepts for the production & use of renewables, the use of local sources for food production and the public needs. The training modules offered by the partners will by check for their feasibility. This will by an input for the Education & Training in Germany. In addition to this participating trainers and trainees are motivated to use the knowledge of the partners to share and apply. The persons with travel will learn from the partner’s niche skills & concepts. They will understand them and learn the needs of Persons in other countries. This knowledge they use et home and tell to other trainees and employees. Also the networks involved will by supported by this transfer. Some of the training modules shown were developed in the TOI projects Green Village & Vast-View. One result of the project will be the development of the cooperation with domestic and foreign partners. This results in a strengthening and further development of cooperation. The networking is promoted. Involved are trainers from companies in the agriculture, forestry and home economics, as well as food processing. Trainers from vocational training for Persons which change their carrier are involved. For the apprentices it is the first chance to work with people from another EU country. It is important that they learn about other concepts, tools & procedures. With other ways of working you also can reach the target.
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8 Partners Participants