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SylvaMED : Mediterranean Forests for All (SylvaMED)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SylvaMED intends to facilitate innovative integration of forests environmental services into regional policies. Mediterranean forest ecosystems provide multiple goods and services, and are key to the socio-economic development of rural zones and to the well-being of urban populations. Many of these forest collective goods are crucial to environmental sustainability but currently unrecognized. Quantification of their value and field experiments will allow for their policy uptake. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSylvaMED started with the diagnosis of the present situation in the current forest legislation with regard PES/MBI implementation and in the state of the art of PES in water and forest scheme, non wood forest products and social uses of the forests. Have developed three technical modules reviewing the existing experiences and working in possible valorization and protection schemes available to each partner. The main results of this step were three technical working reports. On the basis of this diagnosis SylvaMED developed a practical component through the implementation of the pilot actions on Payment for Environmental Services. Each partner developed different sistems of compensation for the environmental services provided by the forests. Jointly with this step, an important communication action plan was developed. With the pilot action implementation also the partners organized a roundtables with private and public satkeholders in oder to exchange best practices and find solutions.Latest project activities and outputsDuring the reporting period, the partnership of the SylvaMED project have been implemented, in each region, one or more different pilot actions on systems of payment for the environmental services. At the same time, they have been involved different stakeholders in the progress of the pilot actions and in the events for the dissemination of the first results and evaluations. The aim is to collect the results of this exchange activities and to propose legislative improvements in forestry, rural development and to disseminate a new concept for the collective benefits provided by the mediterranean forests. Also, the partners were working in the Catallogue of the Best Practices: to collect the best practices obtained during the implementation of the pilot action on PES and in the preparation of the content of the main publication of the project: the Breen Book, a reference manual on the valuation of environmental services.Next key steps for the projectUpon completion the experimental actions on PES, have to identify the best practices developed and to promote the exchange of the results through a public and private roundtables to finally stablish a clear conclusions and to drawn a practical policy recommendations in order to integrate the systems of PES in teh current local legislation. Also the Catallogue of Good Practices and the Green Book are in proces. Final Conference of the project is next June 2013 (International Day of Environment
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  • 76.3%   974 589,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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7 Partners Participants