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Sustaining access to Tissues and data frOm Radiobiological Experiments (STORE)
Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sharing of data and biomaterials from publicly funded experimental radiation science adds enormous value to the original investment. Sharing will yield substantial scientific rewards through re-analysis and new investigations. The goal of STORE is to generate a platform that will allow the storage and retrieval of both data and the corresponding biological material from past, current and future radiobiological studies. The STORE project will perform four tasks: 1) Deliver a “Data Warehouse” that will also present a single portal to radiobiological information distributed over scientific centres throughout the world. 2) Provide a foundation for the creation of a “virtual” store of biological material. 3) Establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on how best to evaluate, store and use the biological material to ensure that the collection, archiving and storage of these non-renewable materials are state-of-the-art. 4) Assess potential financial models for long term support of a bioresource and Data Warehouse for radiobiology. STORE will thus provide a mechanism for ensuring the future survival of these invaluable and irreplaceable resources and provide a platform for the sharing of new data across the radiobiology community
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