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Sustainable use of Natura 2000 habitats along the Slovenian-Hungarian border Trajnostna raba Natura 2000 habitatov vzdolž slovenskomadžarske meje / Natura 2000 élőhelyek fenntartható hasznosítása a szlovénmagyar határ mentén (KRAJINA V HARMONIJI / HARMONIÁBAN A TÁJJAL)
Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Preserving biodiversity of the Natura 2000 network along the Slovenian-Hungarian border through the development of a sustainable land use model based on the natural, economic and social potentials of the area. Mapping Natura 2000 habitats and butterflies and prepare an atlas of them. Investigating economic and social conditions of the area. Developping new agricultural and touristic products and increase their profitability by a local trademark. Developping criteria for nature-friendly agriculture and communicate them to farmers and evaluate agriculture through a green point system. Expected Results: The project presentation conference (2 pieces)Restored degraded grassland (12ha)Natura 2000 habitat maps (3 pieces)Number of publications (9 pieces)Forums Administrators number (15 pieces)Nature FilmNumber of information panels (15 pieces)Dairy cheese factory

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  • 75.8%   1 109 300,99
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants