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Sustainable Transfer of Textile and Fashion in Vocational Education
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Clothing is a basic need; people all over the world deal with clothing every day and this global industry has a significant influence on several countries ‘ economies, environment and everyday life. We think therefore, it is important to invest in young people learning for a job in fashion and to invest in this way in the industry’ s innovations. It will turn the negative aspects of this business into positive ones ( Blue is the New Black, M. Hoitink 2012). The heart of every fashion company is design, development and production. These are in most cases the teams that work together most intensively with all other departments – from design to legal , sales and marketing. The Lette Verein, specialized in Design, Vitalis College, specialized in development and Ege University, specialized in production agreed to cooperate and exchange knowledge , skills and competences in order to create a new learning traject module with practical training in each region. This process of designing, development and production of a collection involve the generation, sharing and distribution of a huge amount of information. Our partners in Fashion, each with specific expertise in design, development and production will exchange specific knowledge, skills and competences about this information flow from the start of the development process to the end of production and cooperate in this with Ekoten Textile A.S. the biggest knitted fabric manufacturer in Turkey and in Europe. Ekoten Textile A.S. has an excellent and unique fabric library with more than 3.700 fabrics registered, complete with all their specification & performance histories. The partners in this project will develop: a flexibel blended learning pathway with clusters of learning outcomes, a module in English for this crucial element of successful internal workings of the brand and for the external relationships with factories, trim suppliers and customers: each partner will develop content which is complementary for the others and cover the Design, Development and Production aspect in Fashion and Textile vocational education. The partners also develop a blended language learning tool for Specific English language and content learning in English ( CLIL and ESP module) All learning outcomes will be registered in the Roc Abroad database which will developed on in this project by ROC West-Brabant and will be used for registering the results of learning activities ( Learning outcomes) and link them to the EU framework of Key competences. All students will be obliged to built their project portfolio to present the results of learning mobilities. The complementary aspects in this cooperation of international partners has a great impact for participants and participating organizations. It not only improves quality and attractiveness of the courses by implementing international learning mobility. Work based and with specific skills for each region for participants means going on to a wide range of jobs in both industry and services, offer better options for employment and further study. On local , regional , national and European level the cooperation of international partners will create transparency in EQF qualification levels 3, 4 and 5 of Vocational Education. The complementarity also will improve possibilities of continuing training in courses with specific skills, going into higher education. The internationalization of the curricula will give a wider range of provision and allows learners to continue their studys at a higher level and will reduce early school leaving in vocational education.

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3 Partners Participants