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Sustainable RES-CHAINS in the South Baltic Region (RES-Chains)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) have become of vital importance for and a substantial part of regional development. Amongst others, RES contribute to an independent and secure energy supply, economic growth and climate protection. When using RES, it is important to observe the entire chain to guarantee a sustainable application, from the outtake of biomass from forest or the production of solar panels, to the recovery of ash from biomass combustion or the redirection of waterways for hydro power plants. Energy systems of the future require appropriate energy mixes adapted to service both regional and local needs without challenging natural resources. This project aims at identifying sustainable RES chains to enable regional development within the South Baltic region. Representatives with varying levels of experience from the various stages of the RES chain are to be involved. These include decision makers, lobbyists, interest organisations, information and knowledge pools etc. The aim of the project is to formulate adjusted models for sustainable RES chains to provide a comprehensive picture in line with the European Climate Change Programme and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The main focus will be on small scale biomass, solar, wind and hydro power and the overall aim is to give best practice examples, to stimulate the increase of RES, realize installations and plants according to the sustainable models and to support research within the field in all participating regions. This will be supported with regional and supraregional RES networks and marketing activities to anchor RES as the sustainable energy source in the South Baltic Region. This will lead to a secure and independent energy supply, economic growth and climate protection within the South Baltic Region. The work programme consists of four components which are orientated and specific targeted work packages. CP 2 Conference, study tour and visits program to disseminate and promote the knowledge and experience gained within the project. CP 3 Sustainable RES chains and policies in the South Baltic region (biomass, hydro, wind and solar power), case studies, life cycle analysis on possible application areas for RES, development of new ideas/technique suitable and adjusted for the South Baltic Region in cooperation with R&D institutes and universities. CP 4 New application and new ideas for small scale RES applications, identifying best practice examples for different RES outtake, usage and recovery as well as planning a pilot for new solutions. CP 5 Development and implementation of specific targeted information and campaign actions, permanent information points, seminars and trainings etc. to overcome market barriers and to stimulate regional development. There will be an additional CP assigned for the overall project administration and coordination in addition to the above mentioned four CPs. Achievements: The analytic part of the project has resulted in a State of the Art Study report for our partner region. Over 60 existing RES installations throughout the SB-Region has been studied and analysed. These examples cover the whole range from micro-installations of hydropower and PV up to a biomass-fired CHP-system integrating and 12000 m2 of solar heating panels. RES policies, strategies and action plans has been studied and analysed from a Multi Level Governance (MLG) perspective. The report includes 6 region in 5 SB-countries.A RES training material has been elaborated and published on the project web site. It gives a solid knowledge base for elaboration of regional RES-strategies and action plans.Six Regional one cross border RES-networks been created or enhanced.As investment proposals we have now completed over 60 feasibility studies. We have also given 59 one-to-one consultations to stakeholders and potential investors.A Guide Book has been elaborated and printed. Its a guide how to implement effective RES-Chains based on biomass, biogas, hydro-, wind- and solar-power. The book also includes a presentation of 20 selected Best Practises. An international RES Study trip and work shop has been organized with almost 50 participants representing all 6 regions participating in this project. RES-installations in Denmark and South Sweden were visited. A school contest has been implemented as a photo contest for students 15 – 19 years. We have over 1400 visits on the contest web as result of our portion activities. One RES-exhibition focusing on biogas has been established at Krinoava in Kristianstad. The exhibition have been visited by more than 500 persons.A visitor centre with a permanent exhibition has been implemented in Guldborgsund, the opening was in May 2014 it has in been visited by more than 500 persons. In Klaipeda a RES-Information point have been established including an exhibition and demonstrators for wind and solar energy as well as smart use of renewable energy.The three RES-information points established/enhanced by the project have provided advice and information to over 1600 persons. An information centre has been established in Gdynia, over 3000 visits. The project website is now a RES Knowledge base. In addition to project results and available RES-information it contains a comprehensive interactive RES-training.

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  • 78.9%   882 400,67
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants