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Sustainable Energy Development Regional Initiative (SEDRI)
Start date: Sep 30, 2010,

The SEDRI project is a joint project of the Central Europe Initiative (CEI) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). It aims to improve the legislative, institutional and regulatory frameworks for the development of the sustainable regional energy sector; to construct small-scale sustainable energy facilities in South-East and Eastern European countries; to foster a framework for regional cooperation in the field of sustainable energy development, including awareness aising, education, research and scientific cooperation. Achievements: Three meeting have been held by the SEDRI Task Force.The 3rd Meeting of Task Force of SEDRI - Sustainable Energy Development Regional Initiative took place on 7 December, 2012 in Belgrade, at the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environment Protection of Serbia.Building upon the first two meetings, this gathering discussed the current status and the next steps to be taken in order to promote small-scale sustainable energy projects in the region. In addition, the national consultations on sustainable energy cooperation to be launched within the EU-supported initiative Improving Cooperation in SEE by Actions for Strengthening the RCC were presented. An update of the SEDRI approach through the promotion of advanced biofuels and the transfer of technology from EU to non-EU countries was illustrated by the CEI and the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy.

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