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Sustainable development of sea towns (SUDEST)

The working group SUDEST stands for the sustainabledevelopment of sea towns and focuses on an integratedapproach to urban development in these areas. The main aimof the working group is to identify the key economic actions of the port areas (cruising, commercial activities) and toanalyse their impact on the territory in terms of physical,economic, social, environmental and cultural transformations.The working group set out to examine how good practicescarried out by private actors (associations, foundations,cooperatives, enterprises) has led to the insertion of lowqualified people whilst complying with the restrictionsof public politics.The working group focused on:>The tools adopted by each town to protect and monitor thedevelopment of these port areas>The identification of competent actors in managing theseareas>A selection of projects about the valorisation andtransformation of the harbour and their surrounding areasand the effect on economic, social and environmental mattersAt the first meeting of the working group the following subthemes were identified:Theme 1 – Physical Regeneration in Port Areas>Physical characteristics – common points and differences>Environmental Impact>Infrastructure – transport system>Urban regeneration in port areas – land use, changeof function for buildingsTheme 2 – Economic and Social Dimension>Economic – port activities, tourism, industry, servicesector>Social – potential actions, completed actions, weaknesses,local specificities>Culture – social integration, infrastructureTheme 3 – Management Instruments>Management Tools – legal situation, innovative solutions>Decisional Structures – Public Private Partnerships>Programming – implementation methodsThe SUDEST final conference was held in June 2007 andpresented the main findings of the working group. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 50.7%   150 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants