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Sustainability and energy efficiency in restoration of buildings
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES (ITS ) Construction Bizkaia promotes "Sustainability and energy efficiency in restoration of buildings" project based on the needs of the construction sector in Spain . This sector , in a deep crisis since 2011 , seeks alternatives to new construction for regeneration and development. Therefore, it is moving mainly towards restoration of buildings with criteria of sustainability and energy efficiency. This movement involves governments, even the regionals, as the Basque , who are spending a significant amount of money for grants to neighborhood communities and individuals to carry out such actions in their buildings. In regard to institutes VET in construction, in meetings with the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Training of the Basque Government , have been repeatedly urged to find new ways of work to rehabilitate this professional group , indicating that a government priority is aimed to promote the rehabilitation of buildings and urban regeneration. In this situation, FP institutes, providers of training to future professionals in construction sector , have to be adapted to these changes, integrating in their curricula new areas in order to include the technologies needed to ensure adequate training of our students in sustainability, bioconstruction and energy efficiency fields, widely developed in practice in Finland. These actions involve both the teachers and the students. Therefore, this project has two specific objectives : a) To provide our students for greater specialization in building systems and energy efficient restoration. So, the higher outcomes , the more likely to be inserted in the, at present, difficult labour market. b ) Allow teachers to know directly the techniques and systems developed in efficient construction in Finland , to enhance the curricula of these cycles , both as subjects and methodology to be applied . Mobility for IVT is considered for 4 students in "Construction" and " Works in decoration and restoration " in a period of two weeks in which they will learn the techniques of isolation criteria for buildings with energy efficiency and sustainability. Mobility is proposed for 2 teachers of IVT , in a period of 7 days, to let them know efficient construction technologies and new methodologies to apply in their work areas. It is searched for an impact in the sector, making it realize about the need for specialization in the field of sustainable restoration and, at the same time, opening up the labor market for building students. This will lead to greater employability in the sector and therefore a reduction of high unemployment which is currently happened.
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