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Two European schools, I.E.S. Las Salinas del Mar Menor (La Manga, Spain) and Vasagymnasiet (Arboga, Sweden) , have encouraged the achievement of the key competences by designing and carrying out two main surveys related to the environment and healthy lifestyles. The project involved, in the first step, a description of their national educational systems focusing on the schools themselves. And secondly, pupils and teachers from both countries created the questions for the surveys, carried out the surveys, analyzed the data and drew conclusions. The activities are based on CLIL as they are about maths (statistics) and sciences (environment and healthy lifestyles) using the English Language (having as a guideline the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and ICTs. Throughout the partnership the two schools promoted cooperation, autonomous learning and self-evaluation. The final stage was the creation of a jointly produced web-page where all the process and results have been published
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