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Supporting the EU access to South Africa’s research and innovation programmes (SAccess)
Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This ACCESS4EU project aims at enhancing the access opportunities, and hence the participation, of EU member states and associate countries, private and public research units in the national research and innovation programmes facilitated by South Africa. Essentially, the project focuses on the substantial collection of information regarding national research and innovation capacities and programmes within South Africa. However, the primary objective is to disseminate that information to the widest possible number of researchers and other stakeholders, aiming at the creation of effective collaborations between the EU and the South Africa R&D communities. In addition the project contributes to the works of the Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee (JSTCC) with some suggestions to implement the reciprocity of the S&T agreement and by identifying how greater synergies will be achieved between FP7 and South Africa’s national research and innovation programmes. The articulation of information with other relevant projects in the area of international S&T cooperation with South Africa (INCO-NET, BILAT, INCONTACT etc), and the creation of synergies with other ACCESS4EU is targeted with the aim of achieving grater dissemination of the knowledge on the existent participation opportunities at research and innovation programmes managed by South Africa, as well as to magnify the context and effect of the disseminated knowledge.

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