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Supporting the development and deployment of advanced metering infrastructures in Europe (Meter-ON)
Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Meter-ON is a coordination and support action to steer the implementation of smart meteringsolutions throughout Europe by effectively collecting the most successful experiences in thefield and highlighting the conditions that enabled their development. On the basis of thelessons learned the goal of Meter-ON will be to provide to any stakeholder an openinformation platform with clear recommendations on how to tackle the technical barriers andthe regulatory obstacles endangering the uptake of smart metering technologies andsolutions in Europe.Meter-ON approach is based on the experience gained through completed, on-going orplanned smart-metering projects. Meter-ON results will be delivered in a three-step approachconsisting of: i) collection of smart metering projects, ii) per-project analysis according to theidentified set of information domains, iii) recommendations on the way forward based on thelessons learned from the most successful smart metering experiences.Meter-ON Consortium is lead by the European Distribution System Operators for Smart-Grids, including 27 leading DSOs and association throughout the European Union andrepresenting more than 70% of its electricity metering points. The Consortium comprisesuniversity-linked foundations (EnergyLab), applied research institutes (CEIT), technological institutions (RSE) andCommunication Experts (ZABALA). The Consortium is differentiated in order to cover all theinvolved aspects of the above mentioned approach.The Meter-ON’s results will be disseminated among the smart-metering community,involving stakeholders of the whole smart-metering value chain (including distribution systemoperators, meter operators, meter manufacturer, technology suppliers, system integrators,policymakers and technical bodies) and will collect their feedbacks to tune the Meter-ONexecution accordingly. These activities will allow to improve the overall project output andthe quality of its results.

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