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Supporting problem based learning n SMEs through IT facilitated mentoring
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context Research has found that 59% of SMEs do not undertake any formal training activities (European Commission 2003). Training is key to providing SMEs with the skills to remain competitive in todays ever changing business worlds. Many efforts have been made by research projects to encourage SMEs to undertake formal learning. Despite this statistics have remained unchanged. This project aims to accredit informal learning approaches in SMEs by focusing it on learning outcomes through the use of problem based learning based (PBL) in the workplace and informal learning practices. It will accredit this process providing a bridge between workplace learning and academia Objectives The main objectives of the project are`: • Collect best practices in PBL and other forms of learning used by SMEs. • Develop an organizational PBL framework with effective support mechanisms such as mentoring and ICT based social networking • Create a curriculum and training modules to train mentors. • Create a curriculum and training for staff in SMEs in PBL blended with other learning forms . • Accredit the training course and recognition of such forms of learning in three Higher education institutes in Europe • Test training in several SMEs. • Create a learner-mentor network supported by an IT platform. • Develop a transferability model for other companies. Participants Six partners from Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal and Romania have been chosen to partake in the project, each of these partners have close links with hundreds of SMEs and HEIs and have experience in research projects concerning learning in SMEs Activities The main activities of the project are concerned with: - Gaining an understanding of current learning practices in SMEs - Evaluating past and current research in the area of learning in SMEs and Problem based learning -Examination of past and current research on the use of ICT tools in supporting informal learning and PBL -Development of a handbook on organisational PBL and supports required -Development of an ICT platform to support PBL -Development of two courses on PBL and mentoring for PBL -Creation of a network of SME learners, mentors and HEI experts in PBL Methodology The project will be concerned with producing high quality research that is focused on the practical needs of the SME and SME organizations and the academic needs of the VETs\HEIs. There will be extensive preliminary research conducted into the requirements of these and they will also evaluate every output produced by the project. High quality research will be achieved by providing a work package methodology with detailed quality objectives for every work package. The training outputs will be accredited by academic institutes and the project partners will work with VET\HEIs throughout the project to ensure accreditation. Result -Report on informal learning practices in European SMEs -Handbook on organsiational PBL -Two accredited online courses on organizational PBL and mentoring for organisational PBL -Creation of a learner network with 500 members -Development of an ICT platform to support PBL Impact -250 SMEs undertaking accredited informal learning -150 SMEs undertaking mentoring for PBL -500 members of the learner network Long term benefits - Improve the competitiveness of European SMEs - Increase learning and development undertaken by SMEs -Provide a research platform for further collaboration between HEIs\VETs and SMEs -Allow HEIs\VETs to reach a wider target audience -Provide a methodology for accrediting informal work based learning
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5 Partners Participants