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Supporting Multicultural Integration and Learning

In the year 2010 every second person who is living in a large city and aged under 40years will come from a migrant family. This shows that integration will be one of thecentral questions that will decide the future of Europe. There will be, as a consequence,a strong need for more cooperative projects which consolidate integration initiativesfrom different areas like education, the labour market, culture and sport.The SMILE project aims at providing support to those that work in adult education, inparticular with parents of children in early ages (0 to 6 years old), by guiding them inexercising active citizenship to promote the integration of their children and of the wholefamily and to foster the use of intercultural education from an early age.The integration of regular immigrants is an important element of the policy that theEuropean Union progressively develops and the school system is recognised as a placefor integration. In the best working examples in the EU countries, the interculturalapproach is included in the general objectives of the national education curricula. But,only in few countries are intercultural objectives associated also with pre-schooleducation.The target groups are trainers, social workers, tutors, professionals working in servicesfor children and families and managers of social enterprises, as well as parents (bothimmigrant and from local families). The project will run for 2 years.The main activities and results will be:• research on the level of integration of foreign children in the services for all children inearly ages and on the levels of communication and understanding with parents• opening of a project website;• drafting of a handbook for the evaluation of the intercultural competences of those whowork in services for early childhood and families• drafting of a manual and organisation of a training course on the application of theintercultural approach in education for active citizenship for parents of children in earlyages• organisation of intercultural initiatives for the integration of immigrant families in eachpartner country• production of a photo book with a DVD documenting the activities realised and withtestimonials from the people involved.
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