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Supporting Healthier and Independent Living for Chronic Patients and Elderly (NEXES)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description The project aim is to ensure immediate successful deployment of ICT-enabled integrated care programs supporting healthier and independent living.The increasing prevalence of chronic disorders is expected to continue, leading to further dysfunctions of our current healthcare systems. It is widely accepted the importance of introducing substantial changes in the delivery of care and social support services for chronic patients, including changes in lifestyle, empowerment of patients and relatives and better collaboration among different levels of care. Obstacles lie in the current fragmentation of health providers and community services together with the challenge of managing co-morbidity.Nexes aims at the extensive deployment and sustainability of validated integrated care services, by:- Deploying four integrated care programs for chronic patients based on structured interventions addressing prevention, healthcare and social support.- Innovate in services that: a) adopt an integrated approach that includes profound organizational changes, b) face the co-morbidity challenge, and, c) use of ICT as modular and scalable tools supporting interoperability among actors.- Validate the deployed programmes in large scale RCT studies.
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11 Partners Participants