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Supporting governance and multi-stakeholder participation in aquaculture research and innovation (AquaInnova)
Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aquainnova establishes an operational framework for dialogue – based on best governance practises - between the aquaculture industry, the research community and policy makers, focusing on exploiting the potential for innovation and technological development in the European aquaculture value chain. It will actively promote the exploitation, dissemination and communication of Community aquaculture RTD research actions and results, looking to improve the manner in which the knowledge generated is efficiently and effectively managed, disseminated and transferred. This will be achieved by using expert groups working on different thematic areas of aquaculture and developing innovative methodologies for gap analysis and problem solving. These will be supported by sectoral benchmarking documents. Draft Vision Documents and Strategic Research Agendas will be the subject of multi-stakeholder consultation in regional workshops. Dissemination materials will include new technical summaries on Community RTD and interactive assessment of the benefits of RTD Projects. Active dissemination actions will include consumer organisations, CSOs and the professional and research communities. Improving knowledge transfer and uptake is a core component, applying effective communication channels, tools and resources for maximum impact. AquaInnova will develop and provide a structured and operational platform that will facilitate networking and consultation, while providing consensus on the associated Vision Documents, Strategic Research Agendas and Action Plans for implementation.

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