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"Supporting fundamentAl rights, PrIvacy and Ethics in surveillaNce Technologies" (SAPIENT)
Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The SAPIENT project will specify for policy makers, technology developers and other stakeholders how and when smart surveillance should be used and the criteria to verify that surveillance systems respect the privacy of citizens.SAPIENT will provide strategic knowledge on the state of the art of surveillance studies, emerging smart surveillance technologies and the adequacy of the existing legal framework. It will consider the discourse, ethics and politics of security and surveillance today and the extent to which the public has accepted the surveillance society.The consortium will develop scenarios around future smart surveillance systems for discussion with focus groups of stakeholders aimed at providing a consolidated analysis of stakeholder views on the use of surveillance, its characteristics to be effective and scalable to rapidly adapt to changing situations and the aforementioned criteria.The consortium is of the view that a privacy impact assessment framework should be developed to address the particularities of smart surveillance systems, technologies, projects and policies. To that end and taking into account the results of its first two work packages, it will extract the best elements of existing PIA methodologies in order to construct a surveillance-suitable PIA framework, which it will field test on three different surveillance projects, the first time this will happen at European level.It will derive lessons learned to refine its proposed methodology to be spelled out in a practical handbook. It will present its results at a final conference and in a final report together with its recommendations.During the project, the consortium will conduct four major policy briefings for policy-makers and other stakeholders. It will also dialogue with representatives from the Art 29 WP and data protection authorities from the Member States as well as academia, law enforcement authorities, civil society organisations and other stakeholders."

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