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Supporting Entrepreneurial Development in the Field of IT in Vietnamese HEIs
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the project is to support the Vietnamese students in the field of ICT to transfer their knowledge to the businesses and community by providing them with - directly and through teachers - new skills and activities to adapt them effectively to the IT-market as entrepreneurs or employees. The partner universities will also be supported to enhance their collaboration with the industry in order to benefit students, teachers and the community. The project proposes: 1) Development of the curricula by developing entrepreneurial, IT-related and industry-relevant methods of teaching, new content and introducing extracurricular activities that support entrepreneurialism. Providing the students and teaching staff with entrepreneurship skills and mind-set will stimulate the creation of business start-ups, ultimate goal of this project and create new jobs to answer the increase number of graduates every year. It will also provide the students and teaching staff with a new way of thinking fostering innovation being a requirement to support Vietnam’s growth.2) Improvement of a more consistent way of communicating and collaborating with the regional businesses and other actors - University Business-Collaboration UBC. These activities help the universities to increase the work-life relevance of the teaching through joint projects with the industry as well as to commercialize their research output. It will reinforce the capacity of the universities to network effectively with the community supporting scientific cooperation and knowledge exchange.3) An evaluation of the partner universities current practices towards a more entrepreneurial university and recommendations for improvement will allow the Vietnamese universities to identify their strengths and weaknesses and upgrade their facilities and practices to be more innovative and competitive.

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