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Supported Employment, Entrepreneurship and Disability
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project objectives are: - To improve the knowledge, capacities and skills of professionals who provide support services to entrepreneurs with disabilities - To facilitate the recognition of the knowledge, experience, capacities and skills of these professionals, providing a sound base for the definition of a Professional Qualification by the competent authorities - To increase the mobility, job opportunities and the exchange among professionals and organizations which provide support services to entrepreneurs with disabilities by means of facilitating a common framework for the recognition of competences - As a consequence of the previous results, to increase the number of professionals aiming at increasing their capacities and skills to support entrepreneurs with disabilities using a validated intervention model and tools. - To increase the number and quality of support services provided to entrepreneurs with disabilities throughout Europe and, as a consequence, to improve the self-employment opportunities for people with disabilities. That will be achieved by means of the design and validation of: 1) An Intervention Model to provide support services to entrepreneurs with disabilities, 2) A specific Professional Profile for professionals that provide those services, including the requested experience, education, knowledge, capacities and skills. The following activities will be carried out: - Design of the Managerial Procedure, appointment of an external evaluator and design and set up of an internal Communication tool - Gathering of Best practices regarding the support to disabled entrepreneurs’ initiatives in Europe. - Adaptation of the Supported Employment methodology (including toolkit) to support entrepreneurship. - Design of the professional profile of the Supported Self-Employment Advisor. -Design of a European Course for Supported Self-Employment Advisors. - Validation of the professional profile by means of a training activity addressed to 40 professionals from all throughout Europe. - Design and execution of a Dissemination Plan, including specific dissemination activities addressed to stakeholders and policymakers - A final European Seminar to increase visibility and awareness on project products By executing the above indicated activities, the projects aims at achieving the following objectives: - Locally, more organizations traditionally supporting labor opportunities for disabled, will offer support services for entrepreneurs with disabilities. Due to the existence of a recognizable professional profile, more professionals will choose to increase their capabilities in this field. The increase of mobility will increase the expertise and experience treasured by these professionals and, as a result, more entrepreneurial initiatives promoted by people with disabilities will result in new businesses and jobs. - At a National level, competent authorities will have available a professional profile following the ECVET principles and technical orientations and designed and validated with the participation of the involved agents. After validation and presentation, that could lead to the appearance of a new qualification and, in any case, to the offer of more and better training and capacity building activities in that field. - At a European level, the Intervention Model and the Professional Profile will be of special interest for those countries which do not have a strong tradition in support to entrepreneurs with disabilities as they will have access to a sound model to start working with. Furthermore, the existence of a European professional profile promoted by the European Union of Supported Employment will increase not only mobility of professionals, but exchange of experiences and the continuous enrichment of the model, too
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