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Support to Capacities for tOurism of Returning Emigrants
Start date: Apr 20, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe and partner countries share a mutual past: emigration history. Population of partner countries such as Brazil and Argentina is composed by generations of European emigrants. This historical, sentimental and genetic relationship has still to be fully exploited for touristic purposes. As a consequence, there is a huge field that is currently called roots tourism or tourism of returning emigrants which is only beginning to develop. This field is highly promising for young people looking for jobs as well as for local economies to boost through new international partnerships. However, working in such a sector requires a lot of particular skills: sector knowledge, local history, language, business, public relations, and so on. Our aim is to strengthen young people capacities in order to allow them to address the technicalities required by this promising field. The core of the project is a two weeks course for youngsters from Italy, Brazil and Argentina aimed at providing participants with the skills and the relations to work in the developing reality of roots tourism. Each session of work will be inspired by historical football matches which took place between national teams of the participant countries. Since football has a strong appeal on the population of the participant countries, football will be also the core of all project communication initiatives. As for course details, first week will take place in Italy, with participants from Italy, Brazil and Argentina and will focus on an overview of roots tourism at large. Second week will take place in separated way, in Brazil and Argentina, splitting participants from Italy between South American partner countries. This second week will especially focus on business and entrepreneurial skills applied to roots tourism sector. The participants will be selected among people with slightly already language skills developed, which will be further improved by the purchase of a language enhancement software which they will use before course starting. All the communication, dissemination and exploitation initiatives will be directed to involve public stakeholders so to trigger enough interest toward the creation of a professional and a specific professional formation in the sector of roots tourism, at local, national and European level.
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