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Support for small and medium sized enterprises engaging in apprenticeships: Getting SMEs on board
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project builds upon the ongoing experiences carried out by some actor in terms of supporting the creation of sustainable links between VET providers and SMEs (CEDIT;ILI) and relies on the closed cooperation developed at bilateral levels by some of the partners to support and foster small enterprises to counter unemployment. The Action fosters the exchanges of experiences among 3 countries where there is a high potential for mutual learning: Italy, where a recent reform introduced a compulsory apprenticeship period at the secondary school level (law 107/2015), BiH, where a discussion is ongoing on how to foster SMEs and VET providers, Germany, that in Europe is the lead. The cross-fertilization among partners with different backgrounds and between the education system and the SMEs are at the basis of the project strategy, that aims at supporting a conducive environment for SMEs’ engagement in apprenticeships (general objective) while improving existing and creating new sustainable linkages between VET providers and SMEs, directly or through strengthened intermediary bodies (specific objective).This approach, that relies on capacity building in terms of networking and increasing the quality of the apprenticeships through setting up a database in each country to manage the matching phase and through the creation of a tutoring system, will contribute to support SMEs’ engagement in apprenticeships. Owing to their limited size and resources, SMEs often find it difficult to train qualified workers to supervise apprentices. Through a win-win partnership with the schools and thanks to the mobilization of all stakeholders an apprenticeship culture will be promoted, and both quality and attractiveness of apprenticeships will be increased. The project will reach 2350 SMEs that will be aware about apprenticeships opportunities. Entrepreneurial, educational and intermediate tutors will be trained and a sustainable process that will work after the project will be established.

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