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SuPortNet II - Sustainable Spatial Development with a Network of Ports for Boat Tourism (SuPortNet II )
Start date: Feb 24, 2002, End date: May 23, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SuPortNet II was initiated by the VASAB cooperation; but has a longer history. It is the continuation of SuPortNet phase I. that based on first bilateral actions between Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) - and Poland already in 1995 (physical network concepts for the coastline). The projects objective was to promote sustainable boat tourism, which generates growing employment and income, particularly in small harbour communities having lost traditional functions. A target was also to find ways to protect the nature in spite of growing boat tourism. In addition the project aimed at integrating boat harbour development into urban and regional planning as well as promoting private-public partnership.Boat tourism requires an intact nature, but may also be a threat to nature. Boat harbours can be an asset for cities' attractiveness if well located and structured. This calls for strong spatial planning which does not leave it to private investors alone how to develop the sector. Conflicts with the protection of large nature areas are frequent in parts of the BSR, accompanied by conflicts between responsible public institutions. New forms of cohabitation must be found. Environmental legislation will in the future ask for systems to collect wastewater from boats and corresponding infrastructure is largely not in place. This requires consistent planning involving as many as possible harbours of the region. Harbour investments are heavy, and the market success depends on parallel improvement of the whole harbour network and coupling with better marketing. Network development and marketing must be done in cooperation of different harbours, across borders. Pan-Baltic cooperation of harbours is thus a condition for solving many issues of sustainable development.Promote sustainable boat tourism which generates growing employment and income, particularly in small harbour communities having lost traditional functions. Find ways to protect the nature in spite of growing boat tourism. Integrate boat harbour development into urban and regional planning. Promote private-public partnership.As a result of the strengthening of the conflict between boat tourism and environment protection it is necessary to develop standards for how waste water and garbage is to be handled and stored on-board, collected and disposed. The project prepares proposals how the existing infrastructure can be utilized, before new investments in new collecting - and disposal systems are made. Achievements: Harbour planning was carried out in Putpus, Gustow, Göhren, Klütz, Schwedt, Stralsund and Greifswald in Germany. Environmental impact assessments, compatibility studies as well as exchange of experiences were included in the planning processes. The involvement of private investors in the planning process improves the chances for successful implementation in many of the projects. A spatial concept for the future development of the harbour network for pleasure boats at the sea coast of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania was elaborated and published in the project. The strategic and methodological approach of the concept could be transferred to almost all BSR countries, especially to those with a strong demand on development of a network of harbours for pleasure boats. For Narva river marinas (Estonia) and marinas on the Russian islands as well as for the Lithuanian inland waterway pre feasibility studies were prepared. In Lithuania a council of municipalities along the Nemunas River was established for the development of water tourism in the region.The project partners developed jointly a Baltic wide agreed symbol system to present the technical, sanitary and tourism equipment of a sport boat harbours. These sign postings show plain symbols that replace complicated multilingual declarations and can be used inside the harbour as posting as well as in the internet as pictogram for information purposes. During the project more than 2.000 Norwegian harbours have been logged on for the harbour info system. More than 15.000 information units related to boat tourism (e.g. toilets, waste stations, shops) have been identified and logged on the platform. In co-operation with the Baltic wide accepted sport boat harbour information web page an internet based SuPortNet information map tool covering large areas of the Baltic Sea has been established including integration of the new pictograms for harbour equipment. The operator of the webpage can ensure a future operation and updating of the webpage after finalisation of the project. This SuPortNet harbour information system can also be entered via In addition a flyer about all existing and planned harbours along the Latvian coast including contact and geographical position data was elaborated.In order to promote environmental friendly boat tourism following outputs were produced: description and evaluation of available equipment concerning waste water handling on boats, a published list of hazardous waste alternative treatment related to boat tourism, Chemical Guideline – Boating a pure pleasure an information brochure, two oil prevention tools have been chosen, a criteria document based on Blue flag and Eco lighthouse for environmental certification of harbours. For two important boating regions (Strelasund and Greifswalder Bodden in Germany) concepts for compatible respect of nature protection and of tourist development have been drawn, based on detailed use assignments with voluntary agreements between sailors and sport-fishermen for permanent management. Methodically and as regards content the Greifswalder Bodden project have been carried out in close contact with the Interreg IIIB project Baltcoast, in which for a similar area of investigation (Wismar Bay) the similar successful results could be achieved. A Boddenatlas has been produced containing regional agreements, watersport-maps as well as tourist and watersport information.

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  • 51.9%   1 230 653,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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18 Partners Participants