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Summer e-CHALLENGE: Acquiring Soft & Digital Skills Through Non-formal Free-time Practices
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the 2015 Eurydice Report the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece is about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working be utilized in a useful and productive way so that young people can acquire skills and competences that are not highly promoted in formal education? Non-formal learning has been acknowledged widely in the last decade proving unique opportunity to involve young people in activities on a voluntary basis.The ‘SUMMER e-CHALLENGES” projects project aims: To utilise the summer non-school time of young people in order to promote the acquisition, recognition and validation of basic and soft skills with an emphasis on digital skills that young people gain in non-formal learning opportunities, so that they become transparent, visible and useful for their academic and adult life.The project proposes the introduction of an innovative "SUMMER CHALLENGE PROGRAMME” which young people can participate on a voluntary basis in order to acquire a combination of skills, competences, knowledge and attitudes that are considered essential for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. It is in essence is a self-directed, non-competitive, voluntary, flexible, and adaptable scheme of non-formal learning activities that is based on young people's' personal development (13-16 yrs old). The programme provides holistic opportunities away from subject boundaries for young people to acquire record, recognize and validate KEY COMPETENCES and TRASVERSAL SKILLS while developing personal qualities which are not so much emphasized in formal education. In doing so young people will be guided in an effective and constructive way towards a better career selection bridging in a way the mismatch between skills and the demands of the labour market.The dynamic and interactive E-TOOL to be designed based on cutting-edge technology will provide 3 functions: (a) manage and administer the implementation of the programme, (b) record, present, assess and validate young people's learning and progress towards achieving the 3 awards, and (c) ANALYSE, SORT AND RE-PRODUCE DATA for young people's career orientation and skills match. This SKILLS-MATCHING tool will support young people and will assist their future plans in their academic and career life. Therefore evidenced based data will be collected which can then be analysed and promoted to the schools.Direct impact on performance, motivation, confidence and self-esteem, as their progress will be closely monitored and reviewed, while a closer skills match and career orientation is envisioned. The participation, communication and active citizenship of young people will be improved and new synergies between stakeholders will be initiated. The digital skills of youth workers will be upgraded and their professional profiles will be developed thus enriching their quality of work.The SUMMER CHALLENGE PROGRAMME is based on the principles of a research cycle project and is planned to be completed in 24 months. The project supports highly the openness and accessibility of resources. During these months 5 main Intellectual Outputs will be produced: - the e-framework of the SUMMER CHALLENGE PROGRAMME will be designed, - the dynamic and innovative e-TOOL will be developed which will record young people’s learning, but also generate new data for career guidance and skills matching for youth workers to upgrade their skills- an e-learning platform will be designed for training and support - and lastly the SUMMER PACK for exploitation will be prepared and submitted to public authorities.
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