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Sucesso em Rede - Network of Success
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT This project is based on a group of needs(areas of improvement) identified by Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André: -difficulty in the integration of some students; -demotivation and lack of interest of some students concerning school life; -lack of parental involvement; -demotivation of teachers. The identified problems are directly or indirectly related to school absence, lack of success and, consequently, early school leaving. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT -promote interculturality and inclusion in our Association of Schools, in order to integrate all students, independently of any differences; -promote equality, social cohesion and active citizenship; -call students' attention to school activity through implementation of motivating and innovative pedagogical practices; -improve students' key competences; -raise students' levels of literacy; -encourage criativity, innovation and entrepeneurship amongst our students; -promote parents' involvement in their children's school life; -motivate teachers in their pedagogical practice in order to improve their performance in class and the quality in teaching and, consequently, students' success; -reinforce the quality in pre-school education; -reduce the levels of early school leaving in our Association of Schools; -promote students' studies at a secondary and university level in order to facilitate the students' integration in the global labour market and promote an active European citizenship; -promote a European Dimension and Internationalization of our institution; -increase the number of mobilities under the lifelong learning programme; -enable possible future European projects, involving students (in real and/or virtual mobilities through the eTwinning platform). NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS 33 staff members (13,9% of the total of the staff integrating our Association of Schools) will be part in European mobilities: pre-school teachers, elementary school teachers, (including AECs - activities of curricular enrichment), secondary school teachers, special needs teachers, teachers with different coordination tasks, form teachers, psychologist, administrative staff and facility management staff. The participants to be chosen will have the most adequate profile for each mobility in a way that he/she can best contribute to the overcoming of the needs identified by our Association of Schools. The number and variety of participants in the European mobilities will make it possible to reach all schools and all areas of our Association of Schools, spreading the good European practices in a way that they will promote a quality education and Internationalization of our Association of Schools. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES In order to promote the variety of good practices to be acknowledged, the European training activities selected to fight the identified needs of our Associoation of Schools are divided into: -structured courses, -job-shadowing activities, -teaching assignments. The training activities will be organised in a variety of countries and by institutions which are widely recognized by their quality in terms of the lifelong learning programme. METHODOLOGY TO BE USED IN CARRYING OUT THE PROJECT The project "Network of Success" will be developed in different stages: -Training mobilities abroad (phase1 and phase2); -Periods of dissemination and implementation of the learned European good practices, in our Association of Schools; -Moments of dissemination at a regional, national and international level; -Evaluation periods. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS AND IMPACT ENVISAGED The implementation of this project will have the following impact in our Association of Schools: -Reduction of early school leaving through the acquisition of European good practices and innovative, criative and motivating pedagogical methods, which will promote quality in education and the students' success; -Internationalisation of our Association of Schools by means of getting to know different European realities and acceptance of what is different. Improvement in foreign languages and developing of intercultural relationships which will lead to a European Dimension throughout the whole Association of Schools. LONGER TERM BENEFITS -Projection of Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André as a European institution at a regional, national and international level; -Promotion of studies at a secondary and university level, in order to increase students' success and improve their entrepreneurial skills, facilitating the students' integration in the national and international labour market; -Deepening of international relationships which will favour the development of future European projects, involving real mobility of students and/or virtual mobilities by means of the eTwinning platform.
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