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Stylista fryzur - artysta czy przedsiębiorczy Europejczyk?
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Thanks to the project entitled “Hair Styling – Artist or European Erasmus+ Entrepreneur”, the team from Krakow’s ZSM Nr. 2 organized the exchange of two groups from the Technicum’s Hair Stylist’s 3rd class, allowing students to participate in a four week program of internship organized by the hosting school’s partner hairstyling salons. There were sets of trips organized, each consisting of 6 students. The first round of internships took place between 03ik.05- 29.05.2015, while the second was held between 03.04-29.04.2016. Spending time abroad in a professional setting allowed the interns to strengthen their practical competencies, to develop their language and interpersonal skills, as well as prepared them for entry into a competitive market both here in Poland and elsewhere. Internships in German hair salons allowed the students to gain additional practical and theoretical knowledge in the hairstyling field. The time spent in Erfurt was an occasion for students to observe and compare knowledge gained during their experience in Poland to the way that their internship salons are managed and organized. The four week stay abroad proved to be an opportunity for the participants to independently organize their own work time, to plan out their free time and finances, to create the necessary conditions for proper collaboration with the employer and an chance to practice a foreign language. The lingual experience gained by having to use a foreign language in everyday and professional situations will also be an added windfall when looking for work. The experience gained through interaction with colleagues, teachers and employers combined with the opportunity to live abroad proved to be a chance to develop tolerance and openness while actively discovering another culture and set of customs. It is without question that the skill level of the participants was increased and that the project’s goals were attained. The student’s self-confidence grew as they learned new work practices in a European, multicultural environment and their self-worth was raised as they discovered new personal potential and the ability to develop professionally. Each participant received a Europass Mobility document outlining the professional benefits and additional advantages that they gained thanks to their participation in the internship (presented in English and Polish). Furthermore, each student received a certificate of course completion from the host organization as well as certificate in both Polish and English from the sending organization featuring a complete description of the skills gained during the internship.
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