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Studying and Travelling for an Environmentally-friendly Promotion
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project main activity is the simulation of an on-line travel agency; the task will be carried out by students from an Italian, a British and a Spanish school, who by working together will create a common platform for Web-working . The idea for a project that would lead to the creation of such a structured product originated from an analysis of the needs of the context of all the partner countries, and from the educational needs identified as priorities for the training of students, future citizens and workers of Europe. Our school , a Technical Economic Institute, offers 5 different courses which cover the areas of Administration, Finance and Marketing, Information Systems , International Relations for Marketing, Tourism and evening classes for workers. It is located in an economic environment where the tourist activity is the main sector of production of wealth and of employability. We have therefore considered it strategic to invest in the improvement of the training of technicians of tourism, marketing and information technology. In designing this action we have taken into account the needs of education and training as indicated in the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation Project 2020; they identify the development of key competences, multilingualism, mobility and self-entrepreneurship as the main objectives to be achieved. Our school has a laboratory simulating a Travel Agency, in which students play the roles of tour operator and travel agent and create proposals for sustainable responsible youth tourism in the region, in Italy and abroad. It is in this context that we thought the realization of this project, whose objectives are : - activating citizenship competences which will be put in practice in totally new environments ( abroad ) - improving the knowledge and communicative competence in the European languages ( English and Spanish) - strengthening disciplinary skills ( interpreting the characteristics and needs of different areas , developing products with lower carbon footprint , focus on customer satisfaction ) - promoting self-employment - setting up learning environments in which dialogue, cooperation and discussion among students, both inside and outside their own country, and with teachers are facilitated - raising students feeling of self-esteem and belonging and consequently motivation - activating networks of exchange and international collaboration aimed at the production of teaching materials - Professional development of teachers, carried out through comparison of experiences and exchange of best practices with other countries to help improve the quality and effectiveness of education. We have set up an international partnership between our school, IES Francisco Ayala in Granada and Halesowen College in Birmingham , who share similar economic contexts, similar difficulties for young people in entering employment, and have the same goals which can be reached in the task carried out by a network of students. This network will work for the development of sustainable youth tourism , creating and disseminating itineraries in their respective territories . The students of the English and Italian tourism courses will play a role-play of clients and tour operators, while the Italian and Spanish students of marketing and IT will provide technical assistance for the development of computer-based tools for the promotion and marketing of tourist products to peer groups, associations and institutions, to promote tourism. The project also includes the production of material for CLIL teaching of geography, that wants to be a tool for the professional development of teachers who will want to use it . All phases of the action involve the use of active learning methodologies (learning by doing) , with tasks that activate citizenship competences and contribute to the motivation and re -motivation of learners in a shared democratic environment. We expect to record improvements in communication skills, both linguistic and in computer science , to experiment new effective learning methods, to develop a growing feeling of membership in vocational education and training and to form a more complete and competent citizen of the world.

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