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Study on Feasibility on Flows Analysis (Flows)
Start date: Mar 15, 2006, End date: Oct 25, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The general aim of the study is to deepen some analytical elements of existing ESPON projects, with regards to the use of flows data. It will try to answer the following key research questions: what are the implications of the integration of flow data? Which flows and how flows can be integrated into future ESPON analysis? Finally, it will try to assess which types of flows are possible to integrate into future ESPON applied research.In this perspective, the study will seek to review the discussion on flows between territories and the actual state of the art of data availability and methodologies for flow analysis. It will also provide insights on the actual meaning of findings deriving from the possible flow analysis investigated, and on what this type of analysis can add to current ESPON research. The study will consider the following 7 type of flows, which are considered of key relevance for spatial analysis at European scale, i.e. trade flows, as well as financial, migration, transport, commuter, information and environmental flows. A series of case studies will be conducted to illustrate the potential of this type of analysis for the enrichment of territorial analysis in ESPON.The study has to be seen as a "pilot project", aiming at giving deeper understanding of the complexity of the scientific questions related to the theme, and proposing possible research directions for more detailed research projects, which may be carried out within the realm of ESPON II.
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  • 50.1%   37 354,84
  • 2000 - 2006 ESPON I
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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