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Study, observe, try, experience
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This mobility project aims to support the students of a vocational school in getting new and using earlier gained knowledge and abilities which they mastered during their secondary school study. Its goal is to prepare and carry out a three-week internship which the students will complete in different types of organisations in Great Britain and Spain. As they are the students of two different branches of study – Public Administration and Information Technologies – following a very careful consideration we decided in cooperation with the accepting organization to choose for this internship administrative departments of factories (mainly manufacturing olive oil), Town council, community centres, library and Job Centre, shops and service points of the computer systems and companies focused at development and maintenance of computer systems in which the students will be able to put into practice and also develop their theoretical knowledge which they acquired within their previous study. The importance of internship abroad lies in the fact that it offers to students better potential possibilities than similar internship in Czech companies as its benefit is not only in further professional progress but also in personal development. We suppose that stay in foreign-language environment of the companies and families will influence improving or creating such personal qualities like competitiveness, adaptability, independence, preparedness and active attitude to the further education. All these represent features which should characterize a modern citizen of the Czech Republic who has the same position and the same ability to assert himself as his European competitors. Another benefit of the internship will undoubtedly be improving language competences, the students will have to use a foreign language not only in everyday situations but also while solving all kinds of unexpected problems at their workplace. They will master and have to use words of art in the natural environment of a foreign company and thus acquire a unique possibility to deeply understand that knowledge of a foreign language is an inevitable condition of catching on with a united Europe. Cultural and sport program is also an integral part of the project and it will enrich the participants socially, it will enable them to get to know the culture, history and customs of another country, it will build intercultural relations within whole Europe and it will help tear down myths and prejudices which are especially in our region with a quite strong Polish minority still a very burning issue. We believe that all above mentioned project benefits together with getting a Europass containing a certificate about internship will represent for all participants an important move in their professional and personal development and after finishing formal education it will improve their chances to find their place at the labour market and will become a motivation for lifelong learning.
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