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Study and adoption of European practices in renewable energy
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Altai State Technical University (AltSTU) conducted research in the following areas of the use of renewable energy: 1) Small hydro energy industry and hydro plants. AltSTU researchers developed several original design projects of small hydro energy plants patented by the Russian Federation. 2) Wind power. A number of studies devoted to the research of wind power in Altai Krai and its potential. Research analyzes existing windmill structures.3) Solar and geothermal energy. AltSTU scientists participated in the design and engineering of solar collectors, solar cells and heat pumps for autonomous power supply of buildings;4) Electric power supply systems for independent consumers. There are a number of researches to improve the reliability and optimization of the power system based on renewable energy. Lack of experience in operating power plants based on renewable energy in Russia is due to the fact that the share of renewable energy use is a little over 1% of the total primary energy supply, in contrast to other countries, particularly, the countries of the European Union (EU).Submitted project aims to examine, analyze and summarize the operation practices of existing power plants based on renewable energy in the EU and further adoption of such practices in Russia. At present, there is hundreds of renewable energy technologies in-use for each type of energy. However, in practice, not all technologies are effective. Analysis of operating of existing power plants would "sort out» the most effective technologies, to make the classification efficiency (energy profitability). Training programs shall include:1. Different types of studies, which examines and analyzes the practices of existing power plants based on renewable energy.2. Different types of studies, which examines and analyzes the experience of existing power plants based on renewable energy.3. Theoretical and laboratory studies on the development of power plants on renewable energy.
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