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Students Training through Erasmus Plus (STEP)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus Plus KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals project called STEP (Students Training through Erasmus Plus), proposed by the Technical College of Food Industry Suceava, Romania, comes to fulfill the need of European standards practical training of our pupils, making them more prepared for an easily integration on the labor market and offering them an one chance more for development of their professional career. The main objectives of our project are:- improving the key-competences and the general technical competences established through European Standards of Professional Training, according to the actual educational plans.-improving the English Language communication competences; -improving the personal competences of our pupils and developing a positive attitude towards work;- educating the pupils in the European values and citizenship spirit.Through STEP project, 45 pupils from Technical College of Food Industry will be selected as it follows: 15 pupils grades X-XI car mechanics profile, 15 pupils grades X-XI mechatronics profile and 15 pupils grades X-XI electronics and automation profile. This pupils will participate at a 2 weeks practical training in Germany, near Leipzig, in the spring of 2017, according to the established periods with the host organisation, which will be for all the 3 fluxes VITALIS Betreuungsgesellschaft für Modellprojekte mbH (Vitalis GmbH), an organisation with a lot of experience in the European students training projects.We choose these profiles because the material base of our school is less developed in these domains, so it is a priority to improve the professional training environment for these pupils. The selected themes for the training are choosed by the technical teachers of their profiles and are developed according to the school educational programmes, having in focus the key competences and the specific technical competences.At the end of every training mobility flux, the pupils will be individually evaluated by the host organisation tutors, analysing their portfolio, their work during the entire stage and the final evaluation practical test. Following the evaluation and the validation of the acquired technical competences, every participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance and the Europass Mobility document in which will be written all these new competences. The main activities of the project will be: organising the project's team, developing through team work of all the procedures which will be used for the good implementation of the project, making a right and transparent selection contest, providing the pedagogical, linguistic and cultural preparation to the selected pupils, filling in all the agreements and all the required documents, carrying out effectively the 3 mobilities, monitoring the pupils during the mobilities, evaluation of the pupils during their practical stage and at the final of the stage, organising activities of dissemination and valorization of the project's results, developing final products (blog, broshure, DVD) in order to be used in the dissemination processes.After the project implementation, the pupils will have improved technical competences which will help them to find a proper job, so through this project we can improve the rate of employment of our graduates on the labor market, not only local, regional and national, but also European labor market.Through dissemination activities, the pupils that had not directly took part at the project will become indirect beneficiaries. They will find out about the opportunity of European practical stages and the benefits of participating at these kind of projects, making them more interested in school, working more in all school activities in order to get either such opportunity in future projects. In a long term, this project will lead to improved school performances and to minimized early school leaving percents.

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