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Students for promotion of healthy lifestyle
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students for promotion of healthy lifestyle is a project between special schools for students with hearing impairment in Poland and Sweden. For two years, the schools intend for becoming a place which encourages and supports students to become aware of how one’s lifestyle may influence the quality of life. In order to reach the aims, we will ask the students themselves to undertake such activities which will be most beneficial. Thus, they will also become responsible for the implementation of the project. We will begin through indicating students what they should do and, in the course of time, give them more power, so that, eventually, the students are autonomous and ready to manage their own activities. This objective is extremely important due to the disability the students face- hearing impairment. The indirect effect of the disability results in students’ becoming dependent on others, afraid to take action and rarely showing initiatives. This also stems from teachers’ methods who instead of guiding students often prefer to simply show step by step what should be done. The project involves 22 students who will develop such entrepreneurial skills as creativty, social and management skills in order to conduct the activities which promote healthy lifestyle. These activities depend solely on their ideas as we believe the only way to activate students is to allow them to choose what they would like to do. This will also involve them in school decision making, therefore showing the school is open to ideas from students. It also enables 7 teachers to see how they may include informal methodology into their classes. It is worth noting that the main coordinator of the project is deaf what is unique in such projects and may highly motivate deaf communities to undertake their own activities locally, nationally and even internationally.The result will be published on Etwinnig which will also be the main space for the students to communicate and give feedback to their peers.

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