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Strukturētā dialoga īstenošana Nīderlandes, Slovākijas un Maltas prezidentūras Eiropas Savienības padomē ietvaros
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of project activities is to raise young people's awareness of why it is important to be active in political decision making processes. Through the project activities young people will be encouraged to engage in political activities and decision-making processes, as well as decision-makers to be educated about the need to involve young people in decision-making processes so that decisions meet the needs of young people and cultivates the development of young people. Project participants are young people, age of 13-25, politicians who are the decision-makers, youth workers and regional planning officers, directors and representatives of youth organizations and organizations who are working with youth. The project duration is 18 months and it involves 910 participants . The project foresees 6 essential activities. Three of them are national conferences and the main topics will be connected with youth rights and youth political participation,15 national Structured Dialogue consultations at regional level and 5 consultations at planning regions, School of volunteers , that aims to develop young people's skills and abilities on different questions, event organization and to raise young people`s awareness about policies and decision -making processes at national and European level. Side Event activity in the European Youth Conference in Latvia will promote the need for young people's to be socially and politically active, and will give the understanding by providing numerous tools and choices, how they could become active. To reach project goals such methods will be used during activities - workshops, panel discussions, regional and national structured dialogue, discussion, opinion agora, creative workshops , debate , trainings, masterclass, research - monitoring of young people's political participation and so on. The project will develop a variety of skills, abilities and competencies among young people. It will also stimulate young people's awareness of the need to engage in political participation . Decision makers in the decision making processes will involve young people and as a result the decisions will be based on the real needs of young people . Project long-term benefits are socially and politically active young people, the decisions will be based on the needs of young people, research - Monitoring of youth political participation will show the causes and the change dimension on youth`s political participation at the start and the end of project and the results of monitoring will be available to everyone on the Internet. Project budget is 49700 EUR.

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