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STRESSLESS - Improving Educator's Resilience to Stress
Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

The improvement of education and training for educators has been established as a priority in the "Education and Training 2010" work programme. This programme highlighted the relevance of attracting and retaining well-qualified and motivated people to the teaching profession. The quality of teaching and teacher education is viewed as key factors in raising educational attainment levels and achieving the Lisbon goals. Bearing in mind the new demands on the teaching and training professions, new solutions for the increased social pressure on the education system and for the growing work-related stress in educators (both with negative impact in the learning processes and outcomes) are required. Presented by the European Agency of Safety and Health at Work as the second most frequently reported work-related health problem, stress is a major problem in the education sector, demanding a multi-facetted intervention that brings together adequate risk analysis as well as a combination of work-orientated and worker-orientated measures, using appropriate external expertise and worker involvement and sustained preventive actions. The STRESSLESS project aims to use an integrated approach, including these solutions in the main outputs (Needs Analysis Report, Best Practice Handbook, Workshops and Guidebook for Educators). Furthermore, the project responds to Grundtvig Programme objectives and priorities, providing educators with pathways to improve their knowledge and competences, creating innovative answers for old and growing problems (including the use of online networks to support changes) and producing a positively effect on the quality and effectiveness of teaching and training: tackling the stress problem in schools, boosting educator's health (indirectly improving students and trainers strategies to cope with stress), reinforcing their support networks and providing them the needed tools to meet their role in the "Schools for the 21st Century".

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