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Strengthening the SOLid-state research capacities in Zagreb by the introduction of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance method (SOLeNeMaR)
Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Physics Department of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb (PDFS) is the leading university physics department in Croatia with 70 internationally recognized scientists and 660 undergraduate and graduate students. A considerable part of the research in PDFS is devoted to solid state physics and materials science. Given that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is today an unavoidable method in solid-state physics, we aim this project at complementing the infrastructure for materials research at the PDFS by the introduction of a solid state NMR (ssNMR). With this project, we shall accomplish four tasks: (a) strengthen the human potential in solid state research, (b) purchase and install an ssNMR spectrometer, (c) further develop a cooperation with European NMR centres of excellence, and (d) make the overall research capabilities of PDFS and especially ssNMR method visible to the wider scientific community, general public, and small and medium enterprises (SME) in Croatia and South Eastern Europe (SEE). Human potential will be strengthened by: (i) specialization of young researchers in high-quality European NMR laboratories, (ii) the return of experienced researchers from abroad, (iii) the exchange of know-how and experience by secondments of senior Croatian researchers and top European NMR researchers. The promotion of PDFS will be achieved by: (i) the organisation of two workshops with targeted audience of young researchers in SEE, (ii) the organisation of seminars for industry and SME managers about the possibilities of materials research at PDFS, (iii) active participation of Croatian researchers in EUROMAR conferences and European magnetic resonance societies, and (iv) the interaction with the public media. The new ssNMR group will reinforce the overall European research area since the need for NMR investigations of new materials highly exceeds the European experimental ssNMR capacities.

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