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Strengthen interactions throughout the Apprenticeship path between SchoolS, Enterprises and their partners on the Territories
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASSET - Strengthen interactions throughout the apprenticeship path between schools, enterprises and their partners on the territories There is a broad consensus in Europe about the benefits of apprenticeship in fostering youth employment and addressing imbalances in the labour market. However, in a number of countries, especially in France, Sweden and Italy, it is still a challenge to deploy secured and successful apprenticeship - i.e. to attract apprentices, to prevent youngsters from dropping out of training and to ensure their further integration in work or in higher education schemes. The analysis, in the frame of diverse European programmes and exchanges, of the difficulties and the conditions of success of these three countries’ apprenticeship systems, shows that they face a common issue: To make the actors involved in the process of constructing and accompanying the apprenticeship paths, to work in a more integrated way – as well at the individual as at the organisational level. On this basis and further considering the complementary experiences and competences they developed to handle this issue in very different national systems, 6 organisations from France, Sweden and Italy came together in order to: Develop and formalize a methodology of constructing and accompanying the apprenticeship paths, based on a strengthened collaboration and interaction of the involved actors, throughout the path. The target groups of this initiative are thus the actors (individuals and organisations) in the VET, business, professional guidance and employment areas, involved in developing apprenticeship on different territories. To attain its objective, the project relies on a solid partnership between VET–centres/schools/bodies which each have a benchmark position in their respective region, regarding the deployment of apprenticeship devices and the enhancement of training quality. It is enforced by two organisations that, in France, have a recognized and complementary expertise regarding the project related issues and a solid experience of project management and methodological development. The partners can further rely on their established experience in European cooperation to successfully develop their common proposition. The project will make the regional partners to work on their own processes of constructing and accompanying the apprenticeship paths (shortcut called CAAP-process in the application). Associating their local stakeholders in the project work, they will construct and appropriate the delivered methodology by steps, as following. O1 – A mapping and analysis of the partners’ respective CAAP-processes > to work out a model of an integrated CAAP-process O2 – A need and diagnostic analysis among regional users and actors of the apprenticeship paths (by seminars, survey, interviews) and a list of improvement needs of the CAAP-processes > to work out a categorising grid to support the need analysis of a CAAP process O3 – An inventory and proposition of different means to meet the identified needs > to work out a common set of proposals for re-engineering the CAAP-processes O4 – A sketch of a collaborative tool, > to draft key specifications and guidelines in developing and using tools supporting integrated CAAP-processes O5 – Simulations of challenging CAAP-processes, building on the developed supports and set of proposals > to work out methodological cases of re-engineering CAAP-processes based on strengthened collaboration and interaction between the actors to be involved. O6 – The formalisation of the methodology, including: > support grids, schemes and guidelines related to the steps of an integrated CAAP-process > the sketch of a collaborative e-tool with key specifications > three case studies illustrating how this methodology can be implemented in different contexts Having all a benchmark position, having reflected about the appropriate levers to use in driving the project in their respective countries, and planning to construct national specific strategies for the dissemination of the results, the partners intend to make a large group of target organisations appropriate the delivered methodology and thus to have real impacts on the deployment of quality apprenticeships paths in each country. Appropriating the methodology delivered will give the target groups (individuals/organisations) insights on how they can improve their way of better working together in acting in/supporting CAAP processes, within the constrains of their national contexts. It will have decisive impacts on their capacity of: - attracting students into apprenticeship - mobilizing competent companies to host them - securing the quality of learning at the work place - ensuring positive outputs of the apprentice curricula In this sense, the project will contribute at the long term to enforce the professionnal qualification and employabiliy of youth and better meet imbalances in each country

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5 Partners Participants