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Street Art for Inclusion
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The youth exchange “Street Art for Inclusion” is a project aimed at promoting active youth participation and European citizenship through using street art. It will involve 36 young people from 6 countries (Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, UK, Urakine). It will last 10 days. The youth exchange will cover the themes of social activism, inclusion of urban youth into active participation, active citizenship, street art as means of transforming social issues. The event will take place in Sumy. The objectives of the youth exchange is to use street art as means of bringing up topics important in society; raise awareness of people about different issues existing in the community through street art; to create a space for urban youth to find a way to express their artistic skills and to involve them into the life of the community; to promote the idea of diversity in Europe; to promote inclusion of young people from deprived urban area through their active participation in the life of community; to encourage youth to be social activists in their communities. The participants of the youth exchange are youth who are involved into street art and love to make graffiti. The methodology of the youth exchange will be based of the methods of non-formal, intercultural and experiential learning. The programme will be structured on the principles of active participation. It will include: integration activities, simulation activities, presentations of the participants about the use of street art in the cities and countries, workshops on making graffiti organized by graffiti artists, workshops on social activism, creating message, cultural nights, city quest, etc. As the result of the youth exchange the participant will create the graffiti art work and perform it on one of the walls in the center of the city. PYA has a role of a hosting and coordinating organizaiton within the project.
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