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Strategies for Heritage Access Pathways in Norwich & Ghent (bringing together 24 cultural assets) (SHAPING 24)
Start date: Aug 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Shaping 24 creates a network of heritage sites located in the cities of Gent and Norwich. The project seeks to promote and support the 24 sites, raise the profile of both towns as significant cultural heritage cities and increase awareness of the longstanding historical links between this part of England and the Low Countries.The project aims to increase visitor numbers but also to positively contribute to the local economies of the cities, through increased visitor spend, hotel stays and tourism jobs. As a crossborder team, the two partners will benefit from each others expertise, and will encourage each others visitors to see all sites with the Passport 24.The main activity will involve maximising the access and enjoyment of the 24 outstanding heritage sites for visitors and local people and will include: site improvements, staff and 'ambassador' training, linked signage, promotion, events and education activities. The project will also look at new media as a means of breaking down both cultural and physical barriers to the 24 sites. Achievements: What were the key results of the project?Communication tools.Research and strategy: 2 signage strategies implemented and installed at all the buildings. In Ghent over 200,000 units of promotional literature have been distributed. Norwich HEART staff carried out baseline audits on their 12 sites and commissioned a series of Conservation Management Plans to meet English Heritage standards for this work (where none existed already- 9 in all). Ghent commissioned consultants to audit 8 of 12 buildings (4 already produced). A report was produced for their set of 12. Joint Digital Conference was delivered in Norwich early in 2011, and a Digital Strategy was developed.New products/services developed: development of a new Cycle maps, a series of guided tours from 2010-2012 in summer months, Ghent developed a new Passport scheme, Norwich HEART supported access based projects; Museums at Night and Medieval events at the Castle, Digital Destinations project with the Forum, a new guide book for St James Mill, Both cities had specialist Dragon events.In Norwich 4 building improvements in the Guildhall, 2 in the Assembly house. In addition 7 of the buildings had plasma screens to support display improvements. The Conservation Management plans supported additional spending on repair/ conservation in at least 4 of the buildings. Free Apps developed in Norwich.Good Practice: In 2012 the research was bought together into one booklet published in both languages. Through a Customer service training programme in Norwich (Ambassadors) 250 have been trained including staff and volunteers at the 12 who were given free places. This was replicated in Ghent. Basic 3D models have been created for all the N12 building, a complex visualisation for St Bavos abbey has been produced. 10 avatar films have been created. 2 free Digital Education packs have been created- NEXplore and City Game.Did all partners and territories benefit from the results?The project enabled the Norwich 12 model to migrate good practice to its Flemish partner. It also enabled the development of new and imaginative collaboration techniques of mutual benefit of both cities. Each City worked up detailed plans to meet their own local needs in the context of the overall plan.The two principal organisations and their 24 site partners have all concluded that the project has been hugely successful in terms of project delivery and outcomes. The project has helped in sustaining the cultural heritage treasures; allowing people to find and understand them; making them accessible once they are found; promoting them effectively; making them part of their communities; using them as learning tools and making them economic drivers.What were the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?Better promotion of the set of 12 in each territory, making them more accessible and improving the quality of the visitor experience. Learning and well being of the local populations promoted through better understanding and valuing of our local heritage and common heritage across the territories. Better experiences for local and cross border tourists through training, new facilities, guidance and literature and digital interpretations. Increased visitor numbers to the 2 cities and the buildings in the sets by targeted events and activities. Benefits for the custodians of the buildings through participation in events, funding provision and purchase of equipment, signage, artworks etc. The project also facilitated transnational co-operation from a range of bodies such as universities, in particular in relation to Culture Matters.The partnership between Norwich and Ghent was enriching for beneficiaries in each City. Highlighting the common heritage in many of the themed events has also helped to educate people and break down parochial views.

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  • 50%   2 241 852,73
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants