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Strategien zur Verringerung von"dropouts"im Bereich VET
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the aim of the Lissabon-Strategy 2010 to reduce the number of drop-outs considerably until the year 2020. Nevertheless it is ascertainable that even in 2015 the number of drop-outs without final certificates have not changed all too much. A similar tendency is to detect with dropouts from vocational training.With surveys at our partner institutes and their social foundations (such as professional associations, VETs and secondary schools) it is the corresponding answer that also there the number of dropout from secondary or vocational schools has remained the same or is increased.For dropouts in particular the entry into vocational life is almost hopeless. Students with better qualifications push increasingly into commercial trades where they have a demand for qualified workers.The gap between youths that do not find an entry into vocational life without help and firms that make increasingly higher demands on their employees widens noticeably according to the DIHK in Berlin. The present dealings with boredom with school and refusing school also increasingly discernable increasingly in vocational schools starts mostly at too late a stage and the persons involved (teachers, legal guardians, chambers and social workers) are not that well coordinated to countersteer preventively.These problems are not a specifically “German phenomenon”. Even though the drop-out rate is very different in EU countries, which is also true for our next-door neighbours in the EU region Rhine-Maas , we want to achieve several aims with our project:1. An analysis of the reasons and causes of drop-outs in vocational education and vocational training in our partner schools in Belgium, Finland, Spain and the Netherlands. Are they comparable to those of German drop-outs?2. Have our partner countries developed comparable instruments, methods or modules to force back the number of drop-outs, especially in the VET-segment? In that case it would be very interesting to get to know them.3. In co-operation with our project partners and beyond that with our social partners we must consider to what extent certain instruments, methods and modules may be adjusted in modification.4. Implement suitable didactic instruments and methods into the annual plan.5. At the end of the project and after a phase of intensive evaluation it must be examined whether subsequently a partner project can be worked out with the partners involved presently and possibly with further European partner schools in order to develop, test and implement mutual methods, instruments and modules.

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