European Projects
Strategic Partnership for Innovating the Training ..
Strategic Partnership for Innovating the Training of Trainers of the European Agri-food Cooperatives
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Agri-food cooperatives in Europe are currently facing the fundamental challenge of promoting the Corporate Culture among the members of their Board of Directors and increasing their knowledge, abilities and skills about Business Administration and Management, in order to ensure a suitable decision-making process in their entities and adapt them to the strategic changes required by the market. Also, there is a need to incorporate women to the Board of Directors in cooperative companies, and promote the generational replacement, through the assumption of responsibilities by younger members.
Work experience with cooperatives highlights the need to update and strengthen the Training of the Trainers, in order to increase their pedagogical, methodological and procedural skills, and their technical knowledge, adapting them to the new market scenarios produced by the current situation of economic crisis in Europe, and to the new demand coming from the training final beneficiaries and to their levels of knowledge.
ToTCOOP+i project aims to address the above-mentioned needs, by improving the quality of VET offer in the European cooperative sector. It has two general objectives: 1) Increase the quality of VET offer for members of cooperatives at European level, in order to address the sector needs. 2) Strengthen the capacities of the members of Board of Directors in the field of Business Administration, Management and Corporate Culture, promoting, at the same time, the access of women and young people to charges of responsibility. Also, it has one specific objective: Strengthen and update the pedagogical, methodological and procedural skills, as well as the technical knowledge of trainers of Associations of agri-food cooperatives and organisations that offer training and consulting services to them.
According with the recommendations contains in the EC’s study "Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives", these objectives will be achieved through two main actions: 1) exchange of experiences and best-practices between the Countries involved in the project; 2) development of common innovative training contents and tools, on the base of the best-practices identified at European level.
The main project outcomes will be: a Best-Practices Report on VET actions implemented in EU for the promotion of Business Administration, Management and Corporate culture among the members of Board of Directors in the agri-food cooperatives; a Methological Guidelines for the development of common training contents; Common Training Contents about Business Administration, Management and Corporate culture in agri-food cooperatives, that will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, Sweden, Polish and Latvian; an high-quality ICT open-source learning platform, for the interactive and shared use of the training contents.
The project innovation consists in the development at European level of common training contents, through the exchange of experiences and best-practices existing at regional and national level. Also, ToTCOOP+i aims to provide the trainers of the European organisations involved in the project, the latest trends updated about Business Administration, Management and Corporate Culture, and the skills and knowledge necessary to manage and develop Innovative training tools created using ICT tools and open technology to create and develop training support tools.
For that purpose, the project put together six organizations coming from six different EU Member States: 2 from Souhtern Europe (Spain and Italy), two from Eastern Europe (Poland and Latvia) and two from Northern Europe (Ireland and Sweden). The partnership joins leading VET providers (ArisFR, Changemaker), associations of cooperatives (AGACA, ICOS and ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL COOPERATIVES) and organizations providing consultancy and advisory services to cooperatives (LATVIAN RURAL ADVISORY AND TRAINING CENTRE).
In the short-term, ToTCOOP+i will provide agri-food cooperative sector with new and innovative training contents and contribute to increase the quality and accessibility of VET offer in that sector. In the mid and long-term, the project will help to boost Business Administration and management skills of Boards of Directors and promote entrepreneurship. By this way, it will also contribute to increase the employability in the cooperative sector and reduce the effects produced by the economic crisis.
The project final beneficiaries will be: 1) managers and trainers of the participating organizations; 2) associations of rural cooperatives, VET organizations and institutions, public entities at local/regional/national level, young professionals working in cooperative sector; 3) members of small and medium agri-food coperatives’ Boards of Directors and new entrepreneurs in cooperative sector.