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Strategic development and co-operation between airport regions (STRAIR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Oct 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of STRAIR is to improve the innovation systems for industrial and business development in airport regions. The partners want to investigate how regional economies can take advantage of developing airport related services and facilities. Furthermore, they want to find out what effects the relocation of an international airport, from central metropolitan areas into nearby rural greenfield areas, has on the local environment and economy. Achievements: STRAIR is an INTERREG IIIC-supported project with eight partners from seven regions across Europe.The partners organised their work in 5 components, of which numbers 2, 3 and 4 generated studies that the partners carried out and published:1)Co-ordination among the partners as well as between the partners & the Regional Secretariat of the INTERREG IIIC programme; 2)Innovation and Business development directly related to airports: -Air Service Development for Regional Development Agencies,-Attracting aircraft Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) activities to International Airports,-The potential of Ostend Airport and the airport-related industrial estates for new economic activities; 3)Innovation and Business development indirectly related to airports: -Developing a Joint Action Plan for Business Development around Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, -Encouraging Aerospace Cluster Development-The Case of the Barcelona Airport Area,-Professional Profiles and Education and Training Needs in the Aerospace Sector,Challenges&opportunities offered in Catalonia's Aerospace Park, -Analysis of flow of goods in the Oslo Airport Region; 4)Territorial and environmental effects of airport development: -Territorial& environmental impacts of airport development,-The Development of Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport Area, -Airport accessibility-A territorial approach; 5)Dissemination of activities &results to interested parties across Europe,primarily by way of the reports,conferences& STRAIR website. A few common conclusions have emerged:-Its essential for a region to formulate its broad economic& social objectives,and use them as a basis for more specific targets such as a focus on passengers or cargo,-All areas of airport development require close co-operation with the airport operator(s) and other stakeholders such as air carriers, exporters& hoteliers,-Seek the best fit between your regions objectives and those of the private sector,which are invariably based on cost/benefit analyses. This holds true whether you aim to attract air services, investors or tenants for your business park, -Even in todays world of electronic communication, physical presence and accessibility are essential drivers of the airports impact on your region: intermodal connections and geographic concentration matter, -Whether you aim to attract MRO or other aerospace activities, you must encourage relevant education and training in your region. Our studies and co-operation have generated tangible results such as airport development plans, new air services among our airports and new structures for co-ordination with the airport stakeholders in our regions.The STRAIR partnership has disseminated its findings through the ARCs dense network in European regions and the aviation industry, and many ARC members use the STRAIR reports to develop new approaches to enhance economic growth. STRAIR has not only resulted in new partnerships within regions but also among different regions.
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  • 45.8%   921 074,54
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

15 Partners Participants