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Storytelling: La enseñanza del inglés a través de los cuentos.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context of our project is another bigger project the we are carrying out in our school called "Storytelling", by which we pretend to teach English in a more natural way through stories to make our students learning more meaningful. Our jobshadowing and the CLIL training course in schools in the United Kingdom will help us to achieve the functioning of our project. The main objectives are:- To train our staff in a new methodology that we can apply in our classroom.- To spread our knowledge about it in a near future to the whole staff of our school and even to other teachers from other schools.- To share a experience with teachers from other schools from other countries through a cooperative work to benefit ones from the others and be able to carry out new projects in a future.- To evaluate if this methodology offers a better and more meaningful learning in ours students.The people involved in this project are 3: 2 English teachers doing some jobshadowing and learning about the methodology of teaching English through stories and a PE teacher learning about CLIL methodology in a course. The activities are: A seminar about "Storytelling" before our visit to UK. Jobshadowing for a couple of weeks in the partner school about the work they do related to our project. Evaluation about the competences acquired and a report and a collection of useful resources. Ellaborate an annual planning based on this methodology for Preschool for next school year. CLIL methodology course in a London School. Spread our knowledge about this methodology to other teachers from ours school and other schools interested. The methodology that took us to create this project is the following: Training and investigation in the topic, Cooperative work , the idea of multiple intelligences and the importance of CLIL in this area. As a result we do not only expect to implement this new methodology in Preschool next school year but taking it to Primary in the near future. We think is an excellent methodology and other schools will be interested in knowing about it, how it works, to make it possible in their schools too.In a long term all the things that are included in this project are advantages for our school and our students: a more meaningful learning, a bigger cooperation between our staff and teachers from other schools, a saving in material (books), working in values, a bigger enjoyment in students when learning English and a bigger adaptation to children with specific needs (in both high and low capacities).
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