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STORY Abroad: validating and connecting experiences of working and Studying abroad through digital storytelling
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“StoryA_STORY Abroad: validating and connecting experiences of working and studying abroad through digital storytelling” is a one-year project that fosters cooperation in the field of youth between Program Countries and Partner Countries gathering organizations from USA, Brazil, South Africa, Italy, UK, Portugal, Belgium, Austria and Sweden.Through a series of initiatives –international meetings, seminars and conferences, local workshops and cultural activities– the project aims at enhancing the use digital storytelling, to guide young people to self-evaluate their competences acquired abroad. The purpose is to improve the quality and the recognition of youth work and non-formal learning by encouraging young people to turn their life and working experiences gained in foreign countries into learning opportunities recognizing the skills and key competences acquired during the mobility . Living or working abroad, for a short or long period, are unconscious informal learning moments that can be turn into more useful experiences if you encourage people to reflect upon it and share them. The project contributes to strengthen the role of youth in the society and speed up the process of active participation in EU and beyond. StoryA aims at:- exchanging and sharing skills, knowledge and experience related to youth work across the partnership and building the capacity of the organisations involved- developing a pedagogical legacy through the development of course materials that can be shared across the partnership and distributed beyond- exploring the ability of digital storytelling as a means of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning reaching policy goals through the provision of soft and hard skills for young people- investigating the comparative impact of digital storytelling workshops in different countries- increasing confidence and self-esteem in youngsters by raising awareness of the importance of key competences.In the long run the project’s objectives are: - to have raised awareness of youth of the importance of turning their life and working experiences in learning opportunities- to increase at European and international level the importance of recognizing non-formal and informal learning, underlining the social, economic and cultural benefits for all community for the recognition of the rights of individuals to have their learning recognized- to enhance visibility to the new EU policies, strategies and funding opportunities for youth- to promote equality of opportunity for individuals to achieve recognition for their skills and competences, regardless of where these were acquired, so helping to establish a level playing field in education/training and the labour market- to promote co-operation and a exchange of good practices involving different stakeholders.A dissemination and exploitation strategy will enhance the spreading and mainstreaming of project's results.
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