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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project aimed to reduce violence and bullying in our schools by creating opportunities for social interaction and inter cultural dialogue among the young people from partner countries. On account of all these, the students were engaged in researching and collecting material to be exchanged&analyzed. The assertion of our own cultural identity in respect of each, is extremely important especially in era where the phenomena of globalization is leading our younger generations almost to forget about their past origins and to level cultures. It is also very important to stress that the project activities were aimed at promoting and enhancing positive behaviors while preventing the negative ones. This is an age in which bullying and violence are becoming an increasingly urging problem, to be solved both at school and outside it. That’s why, at the heart of the project, there were the following fundamental points: -The continuous evaluation of both the recovery of the cultural characteristics of each participant country through its traditional arts&the interference due to globalization -The promotion of basic skills, ICT skills and foreign language skills -The idea of the school as a place of excellence in constructively learning&participating in civic life -In a way,voilence is affected by poverty and social exclusion so that our Project had a positive approach on this case -The desire to collaborate with local®ional institutions. -We gave big importance of prevention of early school leaving and increase of university students so we studied on the case by the teachers connecting with our project’s activities. Activities aimed promoting and enhancing positive behaviors while preventing negative ones. We were aiming to involve about 900 pupils, some of whom have special needs, in our project. Our project had four partners from four different countries.We included and impacted students, teachers, families, member of the associations, and other stakeholders. Schools had common tasks , specific tasks in the project and different sub-topics for each project meeting. Coordinator school had one sub-topic but partner schools has two sub-topics. Every school worked on sub-topics beforehand in means of organising activities in the schools. The meetings were arranged an international athmosphere for the activites were to be done by participation of pupils and teachers. After the meeting, dissemination activities took place in every school. So the schedule was beginning of the project, prepareation for the meetings, joining the meetings, dissemination of the meetings, ending the project and last; doing extra durable works to provide long lasting dissemination. Countries and sub-topics/ dates of the meetings and Learning/Teaching/Training Activities were defined as below; 1 FRANCE (coordinator) -The main task was to ensure effective communication between the partners and to promote and observe the development of the project -First project meeting in February 2015 Topic: A choir, traditional games&costumes-Respecting another person's point of view-the basis for communication TURKEY : -Second project meeting in June 2015 Topic: ” Traditional arts “ Product: An album with students' products like Ebru, collage, drawings, etc. Topic: “We have respect for others&respect for ourselves”; ROMANIA -Third project meeting in October 2015 -Second (C2) Learning/Teaching/Trainig Activities in March 2016 -Topic: Literature, collage, drawings&masks PORTUGAL -Fourth project meeting in June 2016 -Secong (C1) Learning/Teaching/Trainig Activities in April 2015 -Topic: A theatre play about violence at school -“Supporting&promoting desirable behaviors&attitudes among students” On the other hand two teachers from every school took the responsibility of study and produce intellectual outputs "SHORT STORIES OF NATIONS PROMOTING TOLERANCE" The book was created consist of the stories which were occured during the project between pupils and teachers and also families. The study as done by teachers who were from every partner school. The book was pressed and was put into the library of the schools. OVERCOMING THE RISKS OF EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS AND IMPROVING BASIC SKILLS : A Methodology book was created consist of the quidelines. At the end we achieved; -Preventing students from violence and bullying -Improving of key-competences, including basic skills and transversal skills particularly entrepreneurship, languages and digital skills -Preveting early school leavers and social exclusion -Developing knowledge among students and teachers of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value -European countries were learned -Pupil`s social and artistic skills were developed -Preventing youth violence -Inter cultural dialogue between different counties will be increased -Increasing the ability to solve conflicts harmoniously through dialogue
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3 Partners Participants