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STONEPLACING – Improve qualification and employability of stone placing workers by implementing a common European curriculum with the support of ICT based tools.
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

RATIONALE AND BACKGROUND. The project is based in the need of stone sector in counting with dully skilled staff to perform the placement of the most common stone products. It is an important problem in the stone industry. It is necessary to define and compile the most appropriate methods for placing stone, those which bring high levels of effectiveness, starting from the local traditional methods, but comparing them, selecting the best ones for any particular stone product, and incorporating them into the curricula of the training organizations in the sector, both for initial training and for continuous training. AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe general aim of our project is to increase the skills of workers in the field of placing the stone, particularly in placing different type of floors and walls in buildings and urban environments, in order to increase the quality of the final work, the permanence of the work and the environmental sustainability, by using methods without non-recyclable and/or non-eco-friendly materials. The specific objectives allocated are:• To research about the most suitable placement methods for the main stone products being used across Europe, analysing the results, selecting the best practices and deciding on how to improve them. • To make available the information about the defined best methods of placing natural stone in the site, structured according to stone types, uses and methods of installation.• Promote those placement methods that prolong its life, according to the criteria of environmental sustainability.PARTNERSThe consortium includes the following organizations: • German Federation of Natural Stone - Germany • AtinServices - Spain• Marble Technologic Centre - Spain• EUROROC European and International Federation of Natural Stone- Brussels/Wiesbaden• Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France - France• Göinge Utbildningscenter - Sweden • Klesarska skola - Croatia• Concept Consulting - Romania

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  •   341 945,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

6 Partners Participants